この記事はdeprecatedしました。公式でIntigriti Monthly Challengesという良質なまとめが作られたためです。公式で参照されていない記事があるかもしれないので一応残しておきます。
Monthly Challenges - Intigritiで開催されてる問題に対するWriteup記事をただまとめたもの。
- Challenge-1224
- Challenge-0124
- https://twitter.com/intigriti/status/1747292757125693764 公式のWriteupまとめ
- Writer https://mizu.re/post/intigriti-january-2024-xss-challenge
- https://joaxcar.com/blog/2024/01/26/hunting-for-prototype-pollution-gadgets-in-jquery-intigriti-0124-challenge/
- https://github.com/Sudistark/CTF-Writeups/blob/main/Intigriti-XSS-Challenges/2024/Jan.md
- https://github.com/arturssmirnovs/challenge-0124.intigriti.io-january-xss-challenge
- 2023-12-23
- https://twitter.com/intigriti/status/1737861717151862918 公式のwriteupまとめ
- 2023-11は1337UP CTFがあったからスキップされたっぽい。ほんとか分からんけれど ref
- Challenge-1023
- Challenge-0923
- Challenge-0823
- Author Math jail - Intigriti 0823 XSS Challenge Author Writeup - Huli's blog
- Intigriti 0823 – August XSS Challenge
- Intigriti's August XSS challenge writeup - よーでんのブログ
- intigriti / Challenge 0823 by huli
- Writeups/Intigriti August 2023 XSS Challenge/README.md at main · t0m7r00z/Writeups
- Write-Up - Intigriti August 2023 Challenge 0823 - DOM XSS using Math module with filters – Eyexion
- Challenge-0723
- Challenge-0623
- Challenge-0523
- Official XSS via ES6 Reflect API - Solution to May '23 Challenge - YouTube
- How I met JavaScript Reflect (thanks to playing CTF) – Antonius Block's blog
- XSS Intigriti challenge. Hello hunters, let me explain how did I… | by Allam Rachid (zhero_) | InfoSec Write-ups
- (Reflect)ed XSS — Intigriti Challenge-0523 Writeup | by Mohammed Moiz Pasha | Medium
- Challenge-0423
- Challenge-0323
- Challenge-0223
- Challenge-0123
- Challenge-1222
- Challenge-1122
- Challenge-1022
- Challenge-0922
- Challenge-0822
- Challenge-0722
- Challenge-0622
- Challenge-0522
- Challenge-0422
- Challenge-0322
- Challenge-0222
- Challenge-0122
- Challenge-1221
- Challenge-1121
- Challenge-1021
- Challenge-0921
- Challenge-0821
- Challenge-0721
- Challenge-0621
- Challenge-0521
- Challenge-0421
- Challenge-0321
- Challenge-0121
- Challenge-1220