damage(sx, sy, tx, ty) := 座標(sx,sy)から座標(tx, ty)へ移るための最小ダメージ
として、damage(X[0], Y[0], X[1], Y[1]) + damage(X[1], Y[1], X[2], Y[2]) + ...をしていけばいい。
移動先が毒であればコスト1, 移動先が毒でないならコスト0の最短経路問題なので、
int N, A, B, C, D, X[101], Y[101]; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool isSafe(int x, int y) { return A <= x and x <= C and B <= y and y <= D; } bool vis[101][101]; int dst[101][101]; int damage(int sx, int sy, int tx, int ty) { rep(x, 0, 101) rep(y, 0, 101) vis[y][x] = false; rep(x, 0, 101) rep(y, 0, 101) dst[y][x] = inf; deque<pair<int,int>> que; que.push_back({ sx, sy }); dst[sy][sx] = 0; while (!que.empty()) { int x, y; tie(x, y) = que.front(); que.pop_front(); if (x == tx and y == ty) return dst[y][x]; if (vis[y][x]) continue; vis[y][x] = true; rep(d, 0, 4) { int xx = x + dx[d]; int yy = y + dy[d]; if (1 <= xx and xx <= 100 and 1 <= yy and yy <= 100 and !vis[yy][xx]) { int cst2 = dst[y][x]; if (isSafe(xx, yy)) { if (chmin(dst[yy][xx], dst[y][x])) que.push_front({xx, yy}); } else { if (chmin(dst[yy][xx], dst[y][x] + 1)) que.push_back({ xx, yy }); } } } } assert(0); return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void solve() { int x = X[0], y = Y[0]; int ans = 0; rep(i, 1, N + 1) { ans += damage(x, y, X[i], Y[i]); x = X[i]; y = Y[i]; } cout << ans << endl; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void _main() { while (cin >> N) { if (N == 0) return; cin >> A >> B >> C >> D; rep(i, 0, N + 1) cin >> X[i] >> Y[i]; solve(); } }