using State = tuple<int, int, int, int, int>; enum { UP = 0, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT }; int dx[4] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 }, dy[4] = { -1, 0, 1, 0 }; int A, B, H, W; string C[15]; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vis[15][15][16][16][4]; // vis[y][x][a][b][dir] #define yes "Yes" #define no "No" string solve() { stack<State> st; vis[1][1][0][0][2] = 1; st.push(State(1, 1, 0, 0, 2)); while (!st.empty()) { int x, y, a, b, dir; tie(y, x, a, b, dir) =; st.pop(); if (x == W - 2 and y == H - 2 and a == A and b == B) return yes; // 行動1 if (a < A) { int dir2 = (dir + 3) % 4; int xx = x + dx[dir2]; int yy = y + dy[dir2]; if (C[yy][xx] != '#' and !vis[yy][xx][a + 1][b][dir2]) { vis[yy][xx][a + 1][b][dir2] = 1; st.push(State(yy, xx, a + 1, b, dir2)); } } // 行動2 if (b < B) { int dir2 = (dir + 1) % 4; int xx = x + dx[dir2]; int yy = y + dy[dir2]; if (C[yy][xx] != '#' and !vis[yy][xx][a][b + 1][dir2]) { vis[yy][xx][a][b + 1][dir2] = 1; st.push(State(yy, xx, a, b + 1, dir2)); } } // 行動3 int xx = x + dx[dir]; int yy = y + dy[dir]; if (C[yy][xx] != '#' and !vis[yy][xx][a][b][dir]) { vis[yy][xx][a][b][dir] = 1; st.push(State(yy, xx, a, b, dir)); } } return no; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void _main() { cin >> A >> B >> H >> W; rep(y, 0, H) cin >> C[y]; cout << solve() << endl; }