
hamayanhamayan's blog


Secret Agents [AngstromCTF 2020]

https://ctftime.org/task/10751 日本語は下 Writeup in English If you press lemme get in ... It will be stopped. Let's take a look at the given code. Looking at the login section, you can get a lot of information. @app.route("/login") def lo…

Git Good [AngstromCTF 2020]

https://ctftime.org/task/10758 日本語は下 Writeup in English Required Knowledge Git Writeup This only comes out. Even if you look at the HTTP response, there is only information about what you are doing with Express + nginx. And because it…

Consolation [AngstromCTF 2020]

https://ctftime.org/task/10757 日本語は下 Writeup in English This is a system that increases money by pressing pay me some money. Looking at the source code, it refers to iftenmillionfireflies.js, so take a look at the code. Obfuscation! G…

Xmas Still Stands [AngstromCTF 2020]

https://ctftime.org/task/10756 日本語は下 Writeup in English At the beginning The following information can be obtained by patrolling the page. You can post any string on the /post page After posting, you will be given a number to display …

The Magic Word [AngstromCTF 2020 Web]

https://ctftime.org/task/10755 日本語は下 Writeup in English Start from this screen. First, let's take a look at the source code, as there are no hints. <div> <div class="flexmagic"> <p id="magic">give flag</p> </div> </div> <div> <p class="hidden">you passed it chief</p> </div> <script> var msg = docume…