
hamayanhamayan's blog


Imitation Crab [rgbCTF 2020]

CTFtime.org / rgbCTF 2020 / Imitation Crab Imitation Crab 448 Points Flag should be modified to fit the rgbCTF format (rgbCTF{flag}, underscores between words) http://challenge.rgbsec.xyz:7939/ ~BobbaTea#6235 キーボード入力を反映するサイト…

Typeracer [rgbCTF 2020]

CTFtime.org / rgbCTF 2020 / Typeracer Typeracer 119 Points I AM SPEED! Beat me at TypeRacer and the flag is all yours! http://challenge.rgbsec.xyz:8973/ ~BobbaTea#6235, bAse#0001 WPMを測るタイピングサイト。 もしかしたらまた頑張ったら出てく…

Tic Tac Toe [rgbCTF 2020]

CTFtime.org / rgbCTF 2020 Tic Tac Toe 50 Points Hello there, I invite you to one of the largest online global events in history ... the Tic Tac Toe World Championships! http://challenge.rgbsec.xyz:8974/ ~BobbaTea#6235, bAse#0001 三目並べが…